?>?> top 25 media – Pathway Communications http://pathwaypr.com Public Relations and Social Media for Startups and SMBs Wed, 28 May 2014 18:33:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.7.29 25 Media People to Follow http://pathwaypr.com/25-media-people-to-follow/%20 Wed, 05 Aug 2009 13:00:55 +0000 http://pathwaypr.com/?p=544 One of the first things I tell people who are interested in learning more about Twitter and how to use it, is to find people on Twitter they already know of who they admire or are at the top of their industry and to start following them. I also believe you can learn a lot from the media people that are shaping the social media landscape. In that spirit, Ad Age Magazine has compiled a list of the top 25 media people to follow on twitter and they are definitely worth following.

Creative Commons License photo credit: loop_oh

Here’s a partial listing of Ad Age’s top 25 media people:

Nieman Lab (@NiemanLab) The Nieman Journalism Lab at Harvard — “Trying to figure out the future of news.”

Jennifer Preston (@NYT_JenPreston) just named the first social-media editor at The New York Times

Sree Sreenivasan (@sreenet) Columbia Journalism School professor and

Mark Cuban (@mcuban) – Owner of HDNet (and the Dallas Mavericks)

John Battelle (@johnbattelle) – Founder and Chairman of Federated Media

Chris Anderson (@chr1sa)- Wired Magazine editor

Jeff Lanctot (@lanctot) – Chief Strategy Officer at Razorfish

David Carr (@carr2n) – New York Times media columnist

David Berkowitz (@dberkowitz) – Emerging Media Director at 360i

Brian Lam (@blam) – Editorial Director at Gizmodo

Pete Cashmore (@mashable) – Founder/CEO of Mashable, the social-media blog

Fred Wilson (@fredwilson) – Managing Partner of Union Square Ventures

Who do you recommend that is not on the list?
