Gabrielle Lyse Brown, director of Diversity Pipeline Initiatives for the New York City Bar, and Akil Bello, owner of Bell Curves, will lead law school discussion on #CollegeChat September 18, 2012 at 9 p.m. Eastern
Amidst widespread news over the last year of unemployed and under employed law school graduates, Gabrielle Lyse Brown, director Diversity Pipeline Initiatives for the New York City Bar, and Akil Bello, owner of Bell Curves – an educational services and test preparation company, will discuss whether Law School is worth the cost on #CollegeChat September 18, 2012 at 9 p.m. Eastern.
During #CollegeChat, Brown http://twitter.com/NYCBarDiversity and Bello, http://twitter.com/akilbello , will discuss with attendees factors prospective law school students should consider before finalizing their plans to attend law school including:
Gabrielle Lyse Brown is the director of Diversity Pipeline Initiatives for the New York City Bar, where she leads the Association’s efforts to enhance diversity in the legal profession through developmental support for high school, college and law students of color who want to pursue a legal career. In this role, she creates, develops, and administers comprehensive programming that provides inner-city students with academic support and enrichment, professional and substantive skill development, networking/mentoring opportunities and exposure to the legal profession. She is a member of Board of Directors of Practicing Attorneys for Law Students, Inc. (PALS) and the Bronx School of Law and Finance Advisory Board.
Akil Bello is an expert in test preparation and is the owner of Educational Development for Bell Curves. Bello oversees all aspects of the development of programs and materials, as well as the training of teachers. He has worked as a teacher trainer and materials developer at three different test prep companies, bringing his unique humor and intelligence to every endeavor. After spending 15 years teaching every standardized test in the known universe, he joined his brother and father in founding Bell Curves.
About #CollegeChat
#CollegeChat is a live bi-monthly conversation intended for teens, college students, parents, and higher education experts on Twitter. #CollegeChat takes place on the first and third Tuesday of the month at 6 p.m. PT/ 9 p.m. ET. Questions for each #CollegeChat edition can be sent to Theresa Smith, the moderator of #CollegeChat via http://Twitter.com/collegechat, by entering questions online on the CollegeChat Facebook page or by email. More detailed information about signing up for Twitter and participating in #Collegechat can be found at http://pathwaypr.com/how-to-participate-in-a-twitter-chat .